Later came times when there was the enemy; competing for the same attention of the Gods. Life was peaceful till this moment then. All actions were closely watched and any reaction from any of the Gods deeply analysed for nobody should usurp my place close them right. This was not going well. A pink dress to them meant I had to get it too. But the enemy was getting stronger and bolder; bold enough to speak up and against.
This lead to times of physical anguish; where battles were fought to sort issues up. Blows exchanged hurt both parties and served the purpose of splitting lives up. No amount of intervention could clean the chits in this regard. Ofcourse when external enemies attacked we were one; for we knew we needed eachother's valor to save the day. But it went on.
Till one of us grew out of it and parted. Needs sent me distance apart and it somehow helped the two grow up. Conversations flown over miles sent out peace messages; messages of oneness. These merged into times were we together saw the real world; the one we knew nought of. We quielty amongst us realised that the enemy was far beyond the two of us and a lot of unity was needed to get us through. Thats exactly what we put in.
Minutes were spent discussing strategies for the downfall of the foes; hours in close union. Even in times when the Gods had to be opposed there was solace in one another; for our wavelengths matched closer than before. And thus years passed by.

Today as I watch her get off the escalator and walk towards us waiting, I remember our journey called life. The times we've spent together and away , that have in some way taught us more than one. And I am happy I have a sister to share the good and the bad till date. Thanks to the Gods.!
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