02 March 2006


It was another one of those times when you felt life was in the replay mode...

It was the same village...mounted high up in the hills...With the smell of the heavens oozing out of every street....People looking very affable...waiting to serve u at the cost of their lives...Those up hill and down hill travels were all too familiar for words...

There was the same monsterous weapon of mass destruction..it had haunted me the previous time....I was wrong to have wished it gone now...coz it was back...Howling the lives out of innocent visitors...these rickshaws knew no fear...autos that decided the fate of their passer bys...They hadnt changed...

The man's face was a distant memory...but this one sent back shivers....there was that weird feelin within that was tellin me to warn my companion...to remind him that it was wrong...to let him live back the then when it had all happened....to tell him to get out...before it was too late....

We sat snug in the vehicle...the driver looked up at the heavens and laughed....my heart began to beat harder...i felt that crunch that sucks your soul out of you..i could feel it comin any minute....

And there it was...I knew it..it happened....as it had the last time...The squabble broke out from a nothing...I hadnt remembered why the last time too...but it was worsenin...and the final blow..that sent him flying out of the rick...

What happened next and how i reached him is a distant memory...i cant get down to the details in my head...but as i knelt and looked down on him...lying there helples....with blood oozing out from the face that had lit up the life in me....i lost it all...

I panicked for starters...Here was my life, lying there wounded, hurt, most probably because of me..and i wasnt doing anythin....i looked around...the all so pleasant mountain village dint seem half as inviting now...walker bys stopped to stare at the mass of bleeding flesh that lay below...and seemed to care the least...i could see backs turnin to us and walkin away...what was wrong...? wouldnt somebody help a hurt in this world..?

No..! i was not gonna depend on others to save this man lying here...It took no herculian effort to mount him in my arms...and i ran....god knows where though....Throughout my run for life, i peered down into those eyes...a pair that was searching for life...that was knocking on heaven's doors...but fighting to get back...for there was a life to be lived....

I heard myself scream to him...wishing that he would hear...i begged him to not let go....i scremed at the heavens...to not take him with them...no this could not happen...i ran down those pristine white corridors...with him lying frail like a lump in my arms...

Ran straight through the doors...and OUt...!! I sat up ram-rod straight....It had happend again...the same dream...the same plea....the same door that i woke up at....

I lay awake in bed for the rest of the night...Praying....!

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