22 April 2008

Of Friends and Love!

Very recently, I lost another friend to love and I should add that it hurts. The shift from being a friend to a good friend to a lover is such a smooth transition that you barely notice when you ride over from one court to the other; Or, in my scenario, when you have committed the sin of tempting your partner to move. And more surprising than this is the hard truth that the direction of move is biased and the ease with which one moves up is drastic compared to the reluctance with which we move back.

And even on finding our way back to a previous role, whatever the reasons driving that may be, I don't think the ground is the same any longer. The uneasiness that lingers on, swift fleeting glances that mean a million things and speak not a word, brings with it a sense of eerie with it. It is a state where you are no longer together but are still around, trying to build a bridge across the overflowing river. An extreme sense of urgency to cover up the cracks in the china, that you so willingly chose to break a minute back.

It is in such times when I am forced to think which relationship I value more, the coveted role of the beau or the closer than life bonds of a friend. In most cases I think I would pick the latter. Most cases, I say, because of the bitter tastes that I carry in my mouth from the past. I choose to build a basket of good friends and keep them there, than let transitions snatch the treasured away, only in hope for a better tomorrow.

Tomorrow and the thought of it has become something of a repellant to me of late. What ignorance would make one sit and idle away time in hopes and thoughts of a tomorrow that we are no sure of than the love we promise to the other. Irony, I should say, that we spend today in hopes of a tomorrow we want to live. When all that it takes to change it to our suit is living today to the best.

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